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Ancestry DNA Testing

AncestryByDNA™ is a unique test that tells you the percentages of your ancestral make-up based on markers across your 22 pairs of autosomes (non-sex chromosomes); therefore, it takes into account contributions from your full spectrum of ancestors on both your mothers and fathers side. It is able to determine what proportion of your ancestry is derived from European (which includes continental European, Middle Eastern and South Asian groups, such as Indian), East Asian (including South-East Asia and countries of the Pacific Rim, such as the Pacific Islands), Indigenous American, and African ancestral origins.

Ancestral-Mito Maternal Ancestry DNA Test: We can test your mitochondrial DNA to specifically determine your ancestral origins through your maternal line - that of your mother and her maternal relatives up through the generations. This differs from our "autosomal" AncestryByDNA test (above), and determines which of around 30 ancestral 'tribes' your maternal ancestors are derived from, how the tribe has migrated over the last tens of thousands of years, and where that tribe tends to be located today. The documentation that accompanies the test results includes maps to show how particular tribes and groups of individuals has migrated over the last several thousand years.

Ancestry-Y Paternal Ancestry DNA Test: For males only, we can test your Y chromosomal DNA to specifically determine your ancestral origins through your paternal line - that of your father and his paternal relatives up through the generations. This differs from our "autosomal" AncestryByDNA test (above), and determines which of around 30 ancestral 'tribes' your paternal ancestors are derived from, how the tribe has migrated over the last tens of thousands of years, and where that tribe tends to be located today. The documentation that accompanies the test results includes maps to show how particular tribes and groups of individuals has migrated over the last several thousand years. Please note that only males can participate in the Ancestry-Y Paternal Ancestry DNA test, since this test looks specifically at the paternally-derived Y chromosome, which females lack. For females wishing to learn about their paternal ancestry, they would need to provide a sample from their closest male relative (such as their brother, father or paternal grandfather).

Ancestry-Mito Test + Ancestry-Y Test Combo: We also provide a both the Maternal and Paternal DNA Ancestry tests together at a discounted price.

.............................................................................................................................AncestryByDNA™ Test€199

.............................................................................................................................Ancestry-Mito (Maternal) Test€169

.............................................................................................................................Ancestry-Y (Paternal) Test€169

.............................................................................................................................Ancestry-Mito Test + Ancestry-Y Test Combo€299


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Step 1: Customer name.  This is the person to whom the test kit will be shipped.

 First name       Last/family name


Step 2: Shipping address.  This is the address to which the test kit (and results if requested) will be shipped.

 Street Address
 Post/zip code


Step 3: Results delivery.  Select whether you would like the results sent by email (instant delivery) or by regular mail (delivery time 1-3 working days).

Regular Mail


Step 4: Additional comments (optional). For example the address to which you would like a second test kit sent if the participants of a test do not live at the same address, or any other requests or comments.


Step 5: Email address. This is the address to which the order confirmation, further correspondence, and results (if requested) will be sent.


Step 6: Save data and continue to payment page.



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